Council Committee

The day-to-day running the activities of the Association is under the control of the Council Committee, advice the Executive Committee. The Council Committee which consists of: Maximum 9 Officers of the Association plus the members of the Executive Committee

A quorum for Council Committee meetings is 50% plus one.

The members present will elect a chair from the Executive Committee for that meeting whenever the Chairman is not present.

Minutes of Executive Committee meetings must be taken and made available to all Council members.

The Council Committee has the following powers and responsibilities: Supervision and direction of the day to day running of the Association. Preparation and presentation to the Annual General Meeting of a written annual on the Association and its activities (annexing the annual accounts and the Treasurer's financial report). Appointment of sub-committees, whose membership must include at least one member of the Council Committee, to which it may delegate powers and duties on such terms as the Council Committee thinks fit.

Vacancies on Council Committee
The Council Committee may appoint a member to fill any casual vacancy on the Executive Committee until the next annual general meeting. 24. Any member so appointed must retire at the next annual general meeting but may be elected as a member of the Council Committee at that meeting.

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