Annual General Meeting

Direction of the future of the Association.

General Meetings of Members

Annual General Meeting: An annual general meeting of all members must be held in January each year (or, failing that, as soon as possible thereafter) and called by the Secretary on 14 days' written notice to the members stating the date, time and place of the meeting, and the business to be conducted.
The business will include:
(a). presentation and summary explanation by the Treasurer of (a) the Association's annual accounts for the financial year last ended and (b) a budget for the Association's current financial year for approval of the members (if they so decide);

(b). consideration of the Executive Committee's annual report;

(c). election of Officers, members of the Council Committee from all the members with the right to vote.

(d). election of Officers, members Executive Committee and Auditors from all the Foundation members with the right to vote.

(e). election of Officers, Chairman (President) from all the Foundation members with the right to vote. Who is appointed in recognition of the merits in the Medical Science.

(f). such resolutions as are stated in the notice of the meeting.

Special General Meeting: At any time the Executive Committee or any 2 members may by a joint written notice request the Secretary to call a meeting of members and the Secretary must then a call a Special General Meeting on no less than 21 days' written notice to all members stating the date, time and place of the meeting, and the business to be conducted.

The quorum for for the Annual General Meeting and any Special General Meeting is at least 50% of voting members, whichever is larger.

The voting members present elect a chair for any general meeting whenever the Association Chair is not present from a member of the Council Committee.

Minutes of the General Meetings must be taken and made available to all members.

Any notice required or allowed to be given to any member under these Rules is validly given if: (i) sent by post to that member's address in the Member's Register (in which case it is deemed given to the member 2 days after posting); or (ii) given to him personally; or (iii) sent by email or fax to that member's email address or fax number in the Members' Register.

Any notice required or allowed to be given by any member to the Secretary under these Rules is validly given if sent by post, email or fax to the Secretary at the postal address, email or fax number most recently notified to members by the Secretary. It is deemed given when actually received at that address, email or fax number.

Resolutions and voting
Resolutions and other decisions at all General Meetings, Executive Committee or any sub-committee meetings are passed and made if so voted by a majority of those members present and voting when the vote is taken.

Voting may at the discretion of the Chair be undertaken by show of hands, by ballot or by show of hands followed by ballot.

Proxies are not allowed.

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